


参与. 有所作为. 关爱他人. 照亮黑暗. 改变你的世界.

如果你觉得被召唤去服务和关心他人, 锡达维尔大学的社会工作学士学位课程非常适合你! 你将通过各种各样的经历来学习, 包括实习, 专业会议, 为有需要人士服务, 甚至有机会在厄瓜多尔进行国际实地考察, 印度, 或乌干达. You will be equipped to help others in a way that reflects the love and humility of Christ.

From working with vulnerable children and adopting 家庭 to supporting elderly and individuals or communities in crisis, 你会在社会工作方面获得广泛的知识和经验. 不管你关注的领域是什么, you will graduate prepared to integrate your faith into both your personal and professional life, 装备你为基督影响你周围的人.

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圣经 -我们的社会工作方法是独一无二的. 我们从圣经的基督教基础开始. You will be equipped to meet human needs through the lens of a biblical worldview. 神话语的原则引导我们讨论 公共服务,满足人类需求和社会正义. Theology is integrated in very practical ways with the social and cultural issues we confront every day. This careful integration is essential to developing Christian social workers who are 有爱心,有责任心,有能力.

平衡 - Cedarville’s social work program provides the balanced education prized by employers and graduate schools: a strong core of required courses, 选修课,让你专业化和进一步探索, 两个独立的 将你学术成就的所有要素结合在一起的实地经历.

认证 - The social work program at Cedarville University received initial accreditation from The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in June of 1998. CSWE reaffirmed the program in June 2002, again in 2010, and most recently in June 2017. 毕业 from an accredited program positions our students to complete graduate school in one year instead of two.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 100% of recent social work graduates were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


Your degree will prepare you for a variety of social work careers as well as graduate programs.

Our graduates have been accepted to prestigious Master of Social Work programs such as:

  • 密歇根大学
  • 凯斯西储大学
  • 乔治敦大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 布林莫尔学院
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学

由于我们的认证, 我们的毕业生获得先进的成绩, 使他们能够在大约一年的时间内完成城市垃圾项目. Some have gone on to complete a law degree and have become legal advocates for the poor and disenfranchised.

我们的毕业生在医院工作, 家庭暴力预防中心, 寄养/收养机构, 较大教堂的公理会社会工作, 辅助生活设施, 康复设施, 精神健康机构, 咨询中心, 更高的 教育作为社会工作教授, 临终关怀服务, 市内青少年项目, 以及难民安置项目. You will also find our graduates serving as youth ministers, pastors, and missionaries.

Our graduates are prepared for the state Licensed Social Worker (LSW) exam; last year 93 percent of our students passed the exam on the first attempt (state average is 70 percent).

We also have graduates who have served on the state of Ohio task forces dealing with sex trafficking, as well as the Ohio Attorney General’s Task Force on 刑事司法 and Mental Illness.

  • 青年之爱-寄养/领养服务
  • 老龄问题地区机构
  • Buckeye Ranch – providing individual and family behavioral health counseling to children ages 6–17
  • 天主教社会服务
  • 选择-领养服务
  • Church congregational social work and community outreach Rock City Church, Columbus, OH
  • 农村服务委员会-领先计划
  • 十字路口临终关怀和姑息治疗
  • 达维塔透析中心-医疗社会工作
  • 代顿儿童医院
  • 代顿退伍军人管理局
  • 预防家庭暴力中心
  • Forensic Interviewer, Mental Health Advocate, at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus
  • 黎巴嫩惩教所
  • 迈阿密谷医院社会服务部
  • 传教士——德国,所以. 非洲,巴西,菲律宾,芝加哥内城区事工
  • 俄亥俄州威尔明顿市的生活辅助生活设施
  • 丹佛的“敞开的门”教会
  • 救世军-性交易倡议
  • 圣格伦. Joseph’s, a residential program for low-income single mothers and their children
  • 世界救济-难民重新安置和同化计划
  • 佛罗里达青年牧师

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


实习 — You will complete a two-tiered internship: 150 hours during your junior year and 450 hours during your senior year. Field Experience allows the student to put into practice with real-life clients what they’ve 在课堂上学到的.

国际实地经验 -你可以选择在国际实地实习. 选择从厄瓜多尔,印度,或乌干达.

经验的机会 — You’ll 经验 social work practice courses that provide experiential opportunities:

  • 贫困模拟经历
  • 团队建设活动
  • 服务有需要的人

会议 — You will have the opportunity to attend area conferences for professional social workers.

学生组织 — You can participate in two social work student organizations to enrich your academic and professional 经验.


观看新成员入选Phi Alpha荣誉协会, 各级学生的学习成绩得到了肯定, 为即将毕业的学生庆祝. 这一事件发生在2021年4月15日.


以你的通识教育和圣经辅修课程为基础, you will take core foundational social work courses, leading to practice courses that help you develop strategies for working with individuals, 家庭, 组, 和社区.

这个专业有a 三年 或四年完成计划.

  • 不同人群的社会工作实践
  • 个人和家庭的社会工作实践


现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. Discover how you can complete your social work degree in just three years with the 双录取 三年的途径.



Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 三年的选择
  • 四年





Michael Sherr博士,城市生活垃圾










